
Peter Sparke

Sparke is at his very heart an engineer. Logic, process and reason are what drives him, to the extent that he often fails to grasp what the modern world sometimes calls "soft skills". His calm, cool approach to the world has made him ideal for life as a crisis manager. In fact, as he becomes more experienced in this field, he is becoming worried that it is only when he is in situations of high stress that he can relax.
He increasingly find his life intertwined with that of Tilly Pink, a kindred spirit in her love of history, but a very different type of person.

Tilly Pink

Professor Matilda Pink works for the Scottish National History Museum as a specialist in medieval archeology. Despite her comparative youth she is already recognised as an international expert in her field and has been invited to present a number of television programmes.
Despite her serious focus on her career, she knows how to enjoy life and is always happy to take time out to enjoy the finer things in life.
She has an intense respect for the way that Sparke has taught himself about medieval history and recognises that his modern day approach to problem solving and crisis resolution have a unique place in the world of historical research.

The Mason

The Mason is a Templar engaged in the constant struggles of his Order at the end of the thirteenth century. His understanding of the arts of building has made him an invaluable member of  the Templars and he is a seasoned fighter.
His duty is to the brotherhood he belongs to and all other considerations take a poor second place. His moral code is of the late middle ages and killing in the pursuit of his duty is something he sees as inevitable.


One of the Mason's hand picked men and one of the most efficient members of the Templars in their struggle to survive. Poorly disciplined, intellectual and a fearsome fighter, he is trusted by the Mason absolutely.


Brother of Salvatore and a committed senior member of the Inquisition.
Order, obedience and the authority of the church are the things that drive him. In order to achieve his goals, he is willing to go beyond the normal rules that bind others; he knows, absolutely that he is right.

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