Reader reviews

Authors listen very closely to the feedback from their readers, and we love to hear people tell us that they enjoyed the book!

The following are reviews from Amazon of my first three books.

The Templar Key

  • Can't wait for the next book. I like how the past and present story lines are put together. 
  • Very good book blending facts & fiction. Interesting characters. I hope there will be another book describing their future adventures in the future. 
  • A mix of history, technology and adventure without all the unnecessary violence found in many of these types of stories. Enjoyed the parallelism of events taking place in different time periods that came together in the end. Well written, very interesting twist on history and I hope to read more about the future of Mr Sparke. 
  • Another great book by Scott chapman which in my opinion was one that I found hard to put down. Try it and I'm sure that you will like it. 
  • I found this book very interesting because it includes important, and yet much unknown history regarding war time and the persecution suffered by many. It is a great mystery read, very enjoyable. 

The Kaiser's Navigator

  • I enjoyed the story lines and that the characters were not supermen. Hope future books are as well written, thank you. 
  • Was excited to read this one after finishing Templar Vault. Peter Sparke is a wonderfully unique protagonist - kind of a thinking man's (woman's) hero. Mr. Chapman knows how to hold our attention without overdoing. I also appreciated his understated British wit and occasional pithy commentary woven into the story. I even highlighted a few quotes for future reference. 
  • For those of you who enjoy adventure, please be sure to read this book. A very good and interesting story. 
  • Great story of a navigator who rose in the ranks of the Kaiser's navy. He is an historical character in another Peter Sparke adventure novel. Peter is at it again, drawn into an investigation related to a ship and it's crew frozen in time. Great read. 

The Templar Vault

  • I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. Could not put it down and read it in three days because I couldn't put it down. Absolutely a good read. 
  • Smartly written credible historic search that switches between past and present believably. 
  • The writing is excellent, I particularly like the author's way of weaving two stories, hundreds of years apart, into a highly interesting whole. Looking forward to the next in the series. 
  • Difficult to write a review when i am jumping to read the next part. A few have complained but i loved how the story was written, jumping across the centuries. For me it was marvelous, i could read straight through instead of the way i normally read exciting books, reading them from both ends to the middle. (Yes, i am very bad that way.). The summaries describe the book well enough. I can only say if you enjoy history and a good story, and can think dimensionally, you will adore this book!


  1. Hi,
    Just a quick note to say I've really enjoyed all your books. I'm currently travelling around Australia with a caravan and have just finished all four in an extended reading "binge" during a break with bad weather. Now I must wait patiently for the continuation of the story with Peter, Tilly and The Mason.

    Keep up the great work.


    1. Grey Nomad,

      I have just finished the book I was writing when you posted this comment and you were on my mind as I structured it.
      Peter and Tilly are at the heart of it, but his old flame, Karin may be gone from his daily life, but that doesn't mean gone forever.
      The Mason is, as always, at the heart of the Templar storyline.

      Hope you enjoyed your Oz trip. Interestingly, Australia is my second biggest market, more than twice as big as the UK.


  2. Since I started reading your four books, I have been having trouble getting up in the morning for daily Mass. I have to force myself to put the book being read down. The research for these novels must have been astronomical! Thank you for excellent stories that teach about a group of unique men.

    1. Hi "Unknown", sorry about making you late for Mass! In terms of research there are lots of books that are essential, probably the best is the Oxford History of Medieval Europe. That sets the political context for me very well, especially the incredibly difficult relationship between Church and State and the tensions within the many organizations that made up the "Church" structure. I was amazed to find out that it was not unknown for some of the military orders to actually fight each other on occasions. In terms of getting into the detail, there is an English publisher called Osprey which will give you great detail on tactics and equipment.
      Book Five, the Templar Tower is off at the editor now and will be out around Easter.
      Don't be late for Mass.

  3. Enjoyed all 5 of the Peter Sparke books. However, the fifth book was difficult to get into a reading rhythm because of the numerous grammatical errors, mispelled words and improper word usage. It seems to be the worst case of proofreading/editing I've come across in the several 1000 books read over my 68 years. Shouldn't ever happen in a major author's books.
