Saturday, December 6, 2014

Many thanks to everyone who bought "The Templar Thief"., The launch was a huge success with sales being several times higher than for the launch of any of my other books. Thanks for all the help I received in getting this done, especially from Joe, Katherine, Joy and Karen.
The next book is the "boxed set" of the first three Sparke novels which comes out mid December.
The fifth Sparke book is well underway- thanks to those readers who have contacted me with ideas. All very appreciated.


  1. Book 4 is a pretty good read. Just one complaint - too many typo errors. Looks like this book was not proof read. Whilst a little annoying at times, don't let this put you off though, if you liked the first three instalments, you will not be disappointed. Rob.

  2. Oh, I know, it is total agony trying to find a great proofreader. I apologize, seriously it is so annoying. Glad you liked the book though. I loved writing it especially as Sparke and Tilly seem to be becoming a bit more than pure colleagues. The scenes set in the Tuscan town of Radda were actually written in the Tuscan town of Radda when I was on vacation there last year. Scott
