Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tonight is New Year`s Eve, or as we Scots call it, "Hogmany". I hope all my readers have had a great 2014 and I wish you the best for 2015.

This year was the year when I began to fulfil a life-long ambition to become a writer and the sales of the Peter Sparke novels have far exceeded any expectations. Three times during 2014 I set a target for book sales and every time the actual number of people who chose to buy my books was much higher. I am profoundly grateful to all of you who have enjoyed my books and to those who have contacted me through this blog or by leaving reviews on Amazon. I read ever review and use them to, hopefully improve my work.

We have had our first snow of the year here in Switzerland and the cold, bright weather is playing its part in helping set the scene for the next Sparke book. In this book, both the Sparke plot and the Templar narrative use Swiss locations, so research is both easier and more fun than just sitting slumped over history books on medieval life and history.

I hope you will have a great year ahead and I hope we will carry on the Peter Sparke, Tilly Pink and The Mason story together.

Scott Chapman
St Prex, Switzerland,
December 31, 2014

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