Saturday, February 21, 2015

Latest Sparke book.

One of the sad things about being an Amazon author is that we get hooked on watching sales figures. Tragic, I know. The pre-order sales for Templar Tower are way ahead of the figures for the last book and being a geeky spreadsheet bore, I have this graph that I set up to watch the numbers.
Getting a pre-order is a great feeling; it's a little bit like receiving a vote of confidence from the people who read my books. If I could, I would thanks every reader individually, but writing is a pretty one-way business, and anyway after a few thousand "thank you" conversations, the thrill would probably fade.
I have the next two Sparke books plotted out pretty well already and I am well into the start of my new series "The Reekie Chronicles" - I did a thousand words in Starbucks this morning waiting for the snow to stop. I wonder how many books are written in Starbucks around the world?
For me, I would say that planes, trains and Starbucks make up more than half my writing time.Long walks with my dog make up 90% of my planning time.
OK, back to work.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New book

It's a strange feeling when you finish a book. I wrote, "The End" to the fifth Peter Sparke book on the train home from Zurich last night (I love writing on trains).
Now starts the reviewing and editiing before I send it off to my editor, a fearsome bloke called Joe Donachie who has high standards and gives outstanding feedback. Once Joe is finished with it, I will go through his critique and probably accept ever bit of feedback he gives, then it will be good to go.
The cover is done and already up on Amazon and the launch will be in May.
For those of you who are kind enough to leave reviews on Amazon, I hope you find the next one up to standard. The relationship between Sparke and the amazing Tilly moves more into the spotlight, but Sparke's relationship with crisis management is never far from the plot.
My Templar hero, Salvatore gets some back-story and his role in the Order means that he faces a new challenge.
Hope you enjoy it and thanks to those of you who get in touch. Nothing a writer loves more than hearing from readers. Special hello to a reader in Vancouver WA; your comments on Amazon were so  good that I read them out in the office.
