Saturday, February 21, 2015

Latest Sparke book.

One of the sad things about being an Amazon author is that we get hooked on watching sales figures. Tragic, I know. The pre-order sales for Templar Tower are way ahead of the figures for the last book and being a geeky spreadsheet bore, I have this graph that I set up to watch the numbers.
Getting a pre-order is a great feeling; it's a little bit like receiving a vote of confidence from the people who read my books. If I could, I would thanks every reader individually, but writing is a pretty one-way business, and anyway after a few thousand "thank you" conversations, the thrill would probably fade.
I have the next two Sparke books plotted out pretty well already and I am well into the start of my new series "The Reekie Chronicles" - I did a thousand words in Starbucks this morning waiting for the snow to stop. I wonder how many books are written in Starbucks around the world?
For me, I would say that planes, trains and Starbucks make up more than half my writing time.Long walks with my dog make up 90% of my planning time.
OK, back to work.


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